5 Common Last-Mile Delivery Shipper Challenges and Solutions.

As global COVID-19 restrictions loosen, many people are resuming their old lifestyles and routines. However, COVID lockdowns also left lasting and enduring changes to the world. One of those changes was the increase in eCommerce.


In the wake of COVID lockdowns, many people took to selling products online. The strategy worked, too. Pew Research discovered that close to 79 percent of Americans have become online shoppers.


If you run an eCommerce delivery service, there’s a huge market to tap. However, your business requires excellent last-mile delivery strategies to capitalize on this market.


Last-mile delivery refers to the stage of getting the package to your buyer’s door. This final step is often the most appealing part of your business to a customer. They’re more likely to return to your store if you can get the package to their doorstep quickly.


Ecommerce logistics teams often struggle to reach the best last-mile delivery strategies. Fortunately, we can help you with that! We’ll explore five common challenges for last-mile delivery and how to address them in the guide below.



1. Integrating Technology for Enhanced Last-Mile Delivery

One of the persistent challenges for last-mile delivery systems is the need for updated technology. Your system technology allows your delivery service to become more agile and meet customer needs. Unfortunately, updating your systems and communication
so frequently can be a challenge.


Fortunately, there are ways to fix this problem. Several accessories and systems exist that allow your applications to integrate information.

One method for this is a telematics system, which covers the wireless communications on your trucks to a centralized system. This way, they bring increased connectivity to your last-mile delivery service.


These systems can also provide increased visibility for fleet operations. Then your business can monitor the truck’s progress and signals to ensure it drives safely and efficiently. These strategies allow your last-mile delivery to improve.



2. Overcoming Ecommerce Logistics Struggles

For years, news reports have covered the shortage of work in the logistics industry. The
pandemic has exacerbated those troubles, making it difficult to retain drivers for long


As a result, many companies have endured the gig economy. In this case, the gig economy refers to hiring delivery drivers for short periods. Sometimes, this even occurs on a job-by-job basis.


Other eCommerce companies have the same problem. As a result, there is fierce competition over competent drivers. So, how can you hook a driver for a lengthy period of time? The best strategy is to cater to drivers’ needs and wants.


Drivers want many of the same things as other workers:

● Flexible schedules
● Competitive paychecks
● Ways to work efficiently
● Optimized delivery routes.


Sometimes, it may help to explain to drivers what your company’s aims are and what pain points you solve for customers. Many workers desire to have meaningful work and spend their time on things that matter. Some studies even show they’d exchange money for meaningful work. So, explaining your purposes to a driver may inspire them to stay with your business.



3. Maintaining Consistent Operations

Another common challenge is changing operations. For example, let’s say you add a new carrier to your business. Doing this often causes parts of your operation to spin out of control.


Your costs change. Your delivery times fluctuate. Maybe your carrier’s specialization throws a wrench in your scheme as well.


Fortunately, there’s a way to work around this challenge as well. Include every party involved in delivery when you evaluate your last-mile delivery needs. This way, all of your teams can coordinate the most efficient practices.


This strategy helps your new carriers understand your business needs. This way, carriers can determine what steps to take to ensure they meet those goals.



4. Improving Communications

If you’ve ever bought something online, you know what it’s like to spend days waiting for packages. No customer enjoys seeing an “Out for delivery” notification for days.


This problem often becomes exacerbated when customers don’t hear from their providers. A business’ silence on a slow delivery may prompt customers to look for other eCommerce shops.


So, provide customers with more transparency on the status of their shipment. When they can see where their package is, customers are more likely to have patience.


Unfortunately, there’s not a way to provide “real-time” shipping trackers for most shippers. What you can do is work with a tracking system that provides updates to customers.


Several companies can seamlessly incorporate a customer communication system into your website. Alternatively, they can improve your company’s app by providing this feature.



5. Improving Your Company's Sustainability

Many consumers want to take steps to improve the environment. They often wonder if their business follows environmentally conscious regulations and practices. The problem is consumers also want their packages as quickly as possible. Many businesses struggle to find environmentally-friendly approaches for achieving that desired speed.

Luckily, your business doesn’t have to provide those solutions. Instead, you can work with a delivery service that takes the necessary steps to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Several sustainable shippers exist that can offer the services you need. To find the delivery provider you need, ask if they use the following:

● Electric vehicles
● Warehouse robots
● Dynamic batching
● Autonomous vehicles

Each of these practices makes a delivery company more sustainable. So, ask around to find the best company to partner with.

How Our Services Can Improve Your Last-Mile Delivery

Following these strategies can significantly improve your company’s last-mile delivery. However, you may notice that many of them require you to work with other companies.

The question is, which companies should you work with? If that’s what you’re wondering, consider working with us!

We offer the best tracking services for eCommerce delivery services. We work with you to provide your customers with accurate tracking services for their packages.

Our success rates have made us one of the fastest-growing providers in this field. If you’d like to work with us, don’t hesitate! Contact us today to learn more about our offers


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